Home / ADA Cards / Fire & Arson Dog / Fire & Arson DogFire & Arson Dog$25.00 Arson dogs, also known as accelerant detection canines, are specially trained dogs that assist in fire investigations by detecting and locating traces of flammable liquids (accelerants) used to start fires. Dogs Name * Breed Of Dog * Owners Name * State or Province * Upload Owner Or Dog Photo This is optional. If left blank we will use our default dog outline (max file size 100 MB) Clear Registration Number * If you have a registration number from another registry enter it. Otherwise we will issue you a number. Select an option... I Need A Registration Number (+$10.00) I Already Have A Registration Number Current Registration Number Your Email Address To Send Your Digital Copy * We will send you a digital copy to your email while you are waiting for your physical card to arrive. Options None Add Certificate Of Registration (22.00) (+$22.00) Fire & Arson Dog quantity Add to cart Preview × Categories: ADA Cards, Fire & Arson Dog, USA & CANADA Service Dog ID Cards, USA Service Animal ID Cards Related products International Card $25.00 An "international Therapy Dog card" (or similar documentation) is a card or certificate issued by a recognized organization to… Select options Service Dog In Training Card $25.00 A "service dog in training" refers to a dog undergoing specific training to perform tasks that assist a person with… Select options Medical Alert Dog $25.00 Medical alert dogs are specially trained assistance animals that can detect and alert their handlers to specific medical conditions, such… Select options Mobility Assist Dog $25.00 A mobility assistance dog, or mobility service dog, is a service dog trained to assist individuals with mobility impairments, such… Select options